Обзоры, Кино — 20 июля 2022, 18:05

It’s Moscow: SRSLY! Best movie theaters that screen films in original language

Денис Виленкин,
It’s no secret, there are a lot of opportunities to watch undubbed movies in Moscow nowadays. Original language, Russian subtitles, you name. But, only a few movie theaters are more than just a weekend pleasure. Here are the best cinemas to feel the beauty of cinema screening. Aspire to inspire.


The renovated Khudozhestvenny movie theater opened in April 2020 and quickly became the new center for premiers of art-movies in Moscow. It has four auditoriums: big, two small and Chamber. All auditoriums are equipped with Barco laser projectors, there are only seventeen screens in the world like that, and Dolby Atmos sound technology. The movie theater also has a coffee shop, a restaurant and its own library. The cinema operates according to the so-called Parisian system: the films that are in great demand are still running. So you can still watch «House of Gucci» and «The Father».

Vibes: you’re in the Big Apple!



Pioner, just like Khudozhestvenny, is one of the oldest movie theaters in Moscow. It opened its doors back in 2009 after a few modern twiks were made and to this day remains one of the most stylish and European-like Moscow movie theaters. There are two auditoriums. Films are shown from early morning until late at night. Plus, there is a cafe called «Peony» and a bookstore. The prices are quite reasonable: starting at 150 rubles for a morning sсreening. There is no parking, but you can leave your car on the street near the theater and take a stroll along Kutuzovsky avenue.

Vibes: watching movies «Emily in Paris» style.


The Documentary Film Center (DFC)

DFC is located in the building of the Museum of Moscow. This is the first movie theater in Moscow specializing in documentary films, but the schedule includes both original and classic films. Recently the center  hosted a festival of American cinema of the new Hollywood era «History of the Free Era». The movie theater has only one, but very cozy auditorium, as well as a restaurant and a coffee shop. It also has its own online service Nonfiction.film, where you can watch the latest independent and documentary films.

Vibes: Venice Film Festival. And the restaurant with its magnificent dishes will give you all the Biennale feels.


Moskino theater chain: Salyut/Unost/Kosmos/Muzeon

Moscow’s city chain of movie theaters Moskino is a great option for those who don’t want to go to the city center. The chain includes Salyut, Unost,  Kosmos, Muzeon (right in the park!) and other movie theaters, which were recently remodeled, adding nice coffee shops and chill out areas. In addition to movies, there are also special screenings. Whether it's a Hayao Miyazaki retrospective or an Alain Delon weekend. On March 8 a film club was opened, curated by the theater’s director Olga Tumasova. She constantly selects important films made by women directors and invites authors to talk with the audience. For all the movie buffs out there the chain offers a special treat — you can take a free poster of one of the films that have already been shown.

Vibes: watching a movie in Berlin. Very minimalist design.


Formula Kino at The Central Children's Store

Formula Kino is located in the historic building of The Central Children's Store, formerly called «Detskiy Mir». Some auditoriums are specially equipped for children’s screenings. There are premieres and screenings of original films, followed by discussions between critics and the audience. The movie theater, just like the shopping center, has the «Home Alone 2» feel and the whole Christmas vibe is felt here all year round.

Vibes: you’re Kevin McCallister at the The Plaza Hotel, watching «Angels with Filthy Souls» and having three scoops of ice creams, ‘cause you’re not driving.


KARO October 

KARO October movie theater is located right in the center of Moscow and has eleven auditoriums. The main feature of the theater is the KARO ART program: a variety of films are shown almost daily: a lot of movie premieres are held here throughout the year, and of course you have your classic films. Every month there is one festival after the other: the Italian film festival RIFF, the American film festival AMFEST are just a couple from a very long list. KARO October has been the main venue of the Moscow International Film Festival for many years. You can feel this festival vibe all year round. 

Be sure to visit the first auditorium, which is the largest among its kind in Russia, very reminiscent of the Théâtre Claude Debussy of the Cannes Film Festival Palace.

Vibes: you are at a world premier of a famous movie rubbing elbows with movies stars.

Garage Screen

The Garage Museum has its very own summer movie theater. One of the favorite places for any movie buff  and a good reason to spend summer in the city. For the period of six months (from May to October) the summer theater is installed next to the main building and you can watch both the latest releases and festival hits brought by the selector of the Rotterdam Film Festival, Evgeny Gusyatinskiy. Last year there were amazing retrospectives of Abbas Kiyarostami and Wong Kar-wai. Special prices for Garage card holders, a huge number of seats, an impressive screen, blankets and gas burners to keep you warm during cold days.

Vibes: watching film at Cannes Film Festival on a beach and feeling très bien!


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Денис Виленкин

Привет! Я – Денис Виленкин, редактор отдела «Кино/сериалы». Кинокритик, член гильдии киноведов и кинокритиков, внештатный автор главных изданий в России. Писал и пишу, к примеру, для Afisha Daily, Forbes, Кино ТВ. Общался с десятками звёзд, сотнями вековых дубов и ворошил тысячи ульев. Слышал про себя многое, ещё больше пропускал мимо ушей, которые почти как у Дамбо. Глазами полюбил французский магический реализм, итальянский неореализм и советский соцреализм. Учился во ВГИКе, но предпочёл найти работу.

В своем отделе я пишу про кино и сериалы, приглашаю самых достойных людей из профессии, чтобы дать им возможность поговорить об экранных искусствах. Мы во всех уголках планеты и под каждым фестивальным зонтиком. Нам интересно все – от тихой тунисской семейной драмы до травести-комедий Марюса Вайсберга. Кино не знает запретных тем, не знаем их и мы. Мы не можем позволить себе сказать хорошо про плохо и наоборот. Не боимся идти против течения, хотя по течению всегда как-то сподручнее. Пишем, что думаем, желаем и вам того же в комментариях.

Нам не интересны сплетни, мы берем комментарии из первых уст. Нам не близки диванные критики, писающие восторгом от десяти фильмов, что они посмотрели за год, ведь в кинокритике мы видим опцию диалога, изучения кино, его функций, природы и естества.

Мы – медиа будущего. Мы выросли в России, в стране, где закрылись все печатные киноиздания о кино, а некоторые сменили название, просто чтобы с нами не соперничать, пока мы были ещё совсем зародышем. Держите свою руку на своём пульсе, остальных мы потрогаем за вас. Кидаем трейлеры, постим новости, пишем тексты. В любое время дня и ночи мы обновляемся, растём и радуемся своим молочным зубам. Очень скоро они превратятся в настоящие клыки и тогда все застрахованные задницы в радиусе земного шарика затрепещут. Но нам, если честно, хватит и парочки. Srsly.

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